

Our Services

Needs Analysis

We can visit your school and carry out classroom observations, interviews and discussion forums. This will ensure we can tailor our approach to suit individual needs.

Curriculum Development

We can design, develop or enhance existing curriculums for any English based subject.

We have a multi-sensory learner centred approach to our lessons.

Training Delivery

Training can be tailored to suit your participants needs. We offer a wide range of training programmes. Some of which include:

  • Literacy Training
  • Jolly Phonics
  • Jolly Grammar
  • Story Techniques
  • Lesson Planning
  • Reflective Teaching
  • Thematic Learning
  • Pedagogies
  • Question Styles and  Critical Thinking
  • Training of Trainers
  • NEW: Understanding and applying the new CBC curriculum

Universal Learning Solutions Literacy Training

Our expert team of local trainers are able to deliver training programmes, workshops and provide contextually relevant supplementary resources.  We can offer Jolly Phonics training, Storyshaping and Training to use our unique range of early readers. 

Monitoring and Evaluation

Want to see how your teachers and learners are performing before and after implementing new teaching styles?

We can create assessment checklists and tools for monitoring and evaluating pupils and teacher's performance. We use both Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning techniques.

Follow Up & Refresher Training

Are concepts becoming a little rusty? Does some excitement need to be injected back into teaching and learning? Do your teachers need a refresher course?

Refresher workshops can be tailored to suit your needs.


Workshops have a been well prepared, professionally delivered, and have had lasting impact on our teaching team. The approach is always sensitive to the needs of the group, light-hearted and yet thoroughly focused on reaching the goals.

Director, Kivukoni International Primary School

The Jolly Phonics course was so enjoyable. I have new skills and I hope most of us can now correct our mistakes we make in English teaching. I am requesting that all Early Years teachers have this course.

Teacher, Kilifi County

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